Friday, October 22, 2010

Do You Live Near the Stake Center?

In church today we were asked to keep an eye out on our building--especially those who drive past it frequently.  Watch for suspicious behavior (use your imagination) and call Bro. Merritt if you see something that doesn't seem right.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Baptismal Font Relocation

One of the major changes to the Rose Park North Stake Center is the font relocation.  Does anyone have any guesses as to where the font may be relocated?

Will it open up to the cultural hall?  The gym?  Will it be on the south side of the building?  Any guesses?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Plans for the North Chapel

This is another shot of the north chapel.  They've laid down a protective cloth to shield the entire podium area.  It's wonderful to see that it's being preserved and cared for during the renovation.

Liz McConkie notes, "This shot of the North Chapel shouldn't have surprised me but did. Obviously, if we're getting new carpet, the pews have to be removed, but it sure looks strange to see only a podium in this big empty room. The clerk's desk has also been taken out to make way for a ramp that will access the rostrum."